About the Book
Dyneins: Structure, Biology and Disease provides an essential resource for students, researchers, and clinicians interested in dynein molecular motors and the devastating consequences of their dysfunction. It is divided into five broad sections, i. history and evolution, ii. structure and mechanics of dynein motors, iii. dyneins in ciliary biology, iv. cytoplasmic dynein biology, and v. dynein dysfunction and disease, with chapters covering the current state of dynein research in these areas.
Topics include:
- History of dynein research
- Evolutionary biology of dynein motor units
- High-resolution structural studies of dynein components
- Biophysics of dynein-based movement
- Subunit composition and isoform diversity
- Genetics and regulation of cytoplasmic and ciliary dyneins
- Mechanism by which the dynactin complex promotes dynein-mediated intracellular transport
- Role of dyneins in mitosis
- Disease consequences of both ciliary and cytoplasmic dynein dysfunction
Key Features:
- Broad-based up-to-date resource for the dynein class of molecular motors
- Chapters written by world experts in their topics
- Numerous well-illustrated figures and tables included to complement the text, imparting comprehensive information on dynein composition, interactions, and other fundamental features
Stephen M. King, Ph.D., is Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Molecular, Microbial and Structural Biology at the University of Connecticut Health Center. He has studied dyneins for over 25 years. His current research employs a broad array of structural, biochemical, genetic, and cell biological approaches to address fundamental questions about dynein assembly, function, and regulation.